Once Upon a Time....

A Chicken and a Pig lived on a farm। The farmer was very good to them and they both wanted to do something good for him।
One day the chicken approached the pig and said, "I have a great idea for something we can do for the farmer! Would you like to help?"
The pig, quite intrigued by this, said, "of course! What is it that you propose?"
The chicken knew how much the farmer enjoyed a good healthy breakfast। He also knew how little time the farmer had to make a good breakfast. "I think the farmer would be very happy if we made him breakfast."

The pig thought about this. While not as close to the farmer, he too knew of the farmer's love for a good breakfast. "I'd be happy to help you make breakfast for the farmer! What do you suggest we make?"
The chicken, understanding that he had little else to offer suggested, "I could provide some eggs."
The pig knew the farmer might want more, "That's a fine start. What else should we make?"
The chicken looked around...scratched his head...then said, "ham? The farmer loves ham and eggs!"
The pig, very mindful of what this implied, said, "that's fine, but while you're making a contribution I'm making a real commitment!"
Chickens and PigsOn Agile projects the term Pig has come to describe all the developers, designers and testers who commit to the actual work। The term Chicken is applied to everyone else who make intellectual contributions but do not commit to any work।

Note: Images are borrowed from other sites*